The Green Future Club premiers green products of today & sustainable concepts for the future!

Germany, Bad Feilnbach, 21.04.2021 –1,461 participants from 51 countries applied for the Green Product & Green Concept Award 2021. The Product Biopod DownWool Nature Comfort was selected as a Nominee for the Green Product Award 2021 in the Category Sport.
The Green Product & Concept Award is awarded annually to products & concepts that stand out in terms of design, innovation & sustainability. The best 100 products and concepts were nominated and reviewed by jurors – such as Katja Reich (DBZ), Tina Kammer (InteriorPark.) and Prof. Kiersten Muenchinger (University of Oregon).
“Very inspirational material usage and execution.”
Official Green Product Award statement
This sleeping bag is made of 100% natural, from the packaging to the last button. Thanks to our patented, innovative insulation made of RDS-certified down and wool, DownWool, we achieve the best sleeping climate. Down is light and has excellent insulation properties. Wool is insensitive to moisture and regulates the sleeping climate. In DownWool we combine the good properties of down and wool. All individual parts on the sleeping bag are OEKOTEX certified. At the end of its long life, the sleeping bag can be completely composted.