While strolling through the ISPO halls, an employee of the specialist magazine 'ALPIN' discovered the managing director of Grüezi bag Markus Wiesböck. She was so excited about the new sustainable 'Product of the Year' sleeping bag 'Biopod DownWool Nature' that a photo was posted on Instagram.
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The podcast for women - '25-hour champagne' interviewed the managing director Markus Wiesböck, the sleeping bag brand Grüezi bag.
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You Tuber Sebastian Bach found a special novelty at the outdoor trade fair in Friedrichshafen 2018 at the Grüezi bag stand. Namely the incomparable sleeping bag model Biopod DownWool Nature . The managing director of Grüezi bag , Markus Wiesböck,...
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Grüezi Bag is coming to the lion's den and Schnimpeline from dreiraumhaus wrote about it on her blog:
Grüezi Bag sleeping bag in the Dreiraumhaus!
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You want to know more about the founder Markus Wiesböck? Here is the interview:
Interview at
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