Grüezi bag sweeps away with awards - 'Sport+Mode' magazine reports!

Magazin Sport + Mode- Cover-Juli 2020

The Bavarian sleeping bag manufacturer Grüezi bag has the highest standards in terms of quality, comfort and, above all, sustainability. For this commitment, the company was rewarded with special awards, ☆☆☆three times in one month☆☆☆

You can find out more in the article in the magazine 'SPORT+MODE'
about the recognitions, e.g. B. the Marken Award 2020 special prize!

Magazine-Sport Mode-Grüezi bag-Three awards in one month-July 2020

You can find out more at the following link:

Magazine-Sport Fashion article from July 27, 2020-Grüezi Bag-Three awards in one month

The sleeping bags ' Biopod DownWool Ice CompostAble ' and 'Biopod DownWool Nature' from Grüezi bag particularly stood out in the report!

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Grüezi bag erklärt

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