The magazine 'ICH LIEBE BERGE' gives Grüezi bag the 'Favorite 2019' award

Ich liebe Berge-Cover-Testbericht-Nov2019

Looking for the ideal companion for trekking or hut tours? Read the test report from the Swiss magazine 'ICH LIEBE BERGE': They report on the comfortable ' Biopod DownWool Extreme Light 175' from Grüezi bag .

Here is the link to the article:

Magazine-I love mountains-gruezi bag-Biopod DownWool Extreme Light 175 review from Nov2019

Do not only dream of a 'sleeping bag favourite' with so little weight, which is very suitable for backpacks, but convince yourself!

gruezi-bag-sleeping-bag-Biopod DownWool Extreme Light 175

Tipps & Tricks

Grüezi bag erklärt

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