Online magazine 'OUTDOORGURU' tested and is enthusiastic about Grüezi bag sleeping bags!


With its natural materials, the ' Biopod DownWool Nature' sleeping bag feels comfortable and cozy. The special thing is its innovative DownWool filling, a mixture of down and wool. This model and another one, namely the ' Biopod DownWool Nature Comfort ' were tested by the online magazine ' OUTDOORGURU '.

The Dutch tester and his wife were impressed by the Grüezi bag sleeping bags - their conclusion:

"One of the most comfortable sleeping bags I have ever slept in."
"We also love the fact that everything is sustainable."

"One of the most comfortable sleeping bags I've ever slept in."
"We also love the fact that everything is sustainable"!

Check out the English video from April 2020
at the following link:

Youtube-Video-Online-Magazine-OutdoorGuru-Gruezi bag-Biopod DownWool Nature -Biopod DownWool Nature Comfort-24042020

Youtube video-Outdoorguru-Gruezi bag-Biopod DownWool Nature-Biopod DownWool Nature Comfort-24 April 2020

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