Online blog 'Outdoor with family' interviews Markus Wiesboeck from the Gruezi bag brand

Outdoor mit Familie-Artikel Maerzi 2019-Interview mit Markus Wiesboeck von Gruezi bag

For the owner and inventor Markus Wiesböck of the Grüezi bag brand, the most important thing for his customers is the sleeping climate of his products.

In order to ensure this, he has practically made 'test sleeping his job ' and scored a hit with the ' Biopod DownWool Nature ' sleeping bag model at ISPO 2019!

It was voted ' Product of the year ' by the ISPO jury.

ISPO Award 2019 sleeping bag model Gruezi bag 'Product of the year'

The online blog 'Outdoor mit Familie' interviewed Markus Wiesböck about the development of the sustainable sleeping bag and his visions. Read the article here at the following link:

Outdoor with family-Article 01Maerz2019-Sleeping in a sleeping bag made a job-Interview with Markus Wiesboeck from Gruezi bag

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