Sustainable and fair on the go with the Grüezi bag - presented by Outdoor Magazin!

Magazin Outdoor-Extraeinleger-Ausgabe April 2019- Biopod DownWool Nature

"Get out into nature and after a wonderful hike, enjoy a good night's sleep in the ' Biopod DownWool Nature ' sleeping bag from Grüezi bag !" In their special supplement "THE GREEN ISSUE" from April 2019, the experts from Outdoor-Magazine present this sustainable 'nature boy' made from 100% natural materials.

Read the article as a .pdf for download:

Outdoor Articles April 2019 Edition Biopod DownWool Nature

gruezi-bag-sleeping-bag-biopod DownWool Nature-Magazine Outdoor-April 2019-special insert

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Grüezi bag erklärt

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