Magazine 'Kletterszene' reports - sleeping bag donation for the homeless at Christmas!

Magazin 'Kletterszene' berichtet - Schlafsackspende zu Weihnachten für Obdachlose!..

The Bavarian sleeping bag manufacturer Grüezi bag had a heart idea and put it into practice - homeless people should be helped, especially at Christmas!

Therefore, the high-quality sleeping bags of the model ' Biopod DownWool Ice CompostAble' were donated to the needy.

Climbing scene fundraiser Grüezi bag to the homeless Christmas 2020!

This action was published by the magazine '' in an article from January 11, 2021.

Read the article at the following link:

Climbing scene post-Grüezi bag donated to Munich homeless-2021-Jan-11

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