Desire for nature - favorite thing for the trip - Biopod DownWool Nature in the magazine 'wandern und Reisen'

Lust auf Natur - Lieblingsding für die Reise -Biopod DownWool Nature im Magazin 'abenteuer und reisen'

This is how traveling is fun - with your favorite item for a good night's sleep, namely the 'Biopod DownWool Nature' sleeping bag from Grüezi bag in your luggage!

Help the environment while you sleep - because this sleeping bag was made from sustainable materials. In its 9.2018 issue, the magazine 'wandern und reisen' presented the exclusive sleeping bag made from 100% natural materials.

Read the article about this:

gruezi-bag-sleeping-bag-biopod DownWool Nature-Magazine-adventure and travel-9-2018

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