Cuddly soft all-round blanket presented by trekking magazine

trekking Magazin Ausgabe Nov/Dez 2018 -Thema: 'WellhealthBlanket Wool'/Ausruestung

Experience a fast tour of the slopes, a multi-day crossing in the Alps or fast-paced freeride descents after a steep ascent!

After that you would like nothing more than to crawl under a warm blanket?

But it doesn't matter whether it's cold, windy or blowing snow - with this equipment after a tour you are well equipped to warm up and relax again!

The warm yet light wool blanket 'WellhealthBlanket Wool' from Grüezi bag also convinced the 'trekking' magazine and you will find more information in the following article: trekking-Magazine-Issue-Nov/Dec 2018-WellhealthBlanket Wool

So the equipment - even after the tour - does it! By the way, the 'WellhealthBlanket Wool' sleeping bag blanket is also available with a beautiful rose print!

"Even Sleeping Beauty would have made eyes at that...." Well-health Blanket Deluxe

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