'Kultur Magazin' from Schloss Rudolfshausen recommends the Grüezi bag in the special Christmas edition

Schloss Rudolfshausen Weihnachtsedition 2018 - Empfehlung gruezi bag Schlafsack

Attention outdoor fans and wool lovers - the Christmas edition of the culture magazine 'Schloss Rudolfshausen' recommends sensible and sustainable gifts. The sleeping bags from Grüezi bag were included. Read the article for download here:

Christmas issue 2018/culture magazine Schloss Rudolfshausen/Gruezi bag/page 9

Do you also want to experience an incomparable sleeping climate or make someone else happy? Then take a look at the special and unique Grüezi bag sleeping bags !

For those who need an extra helping of 'natural warmth' in their sleeping bag, Grüezi bag has something very special - the 'Feater -The Feet Heater' . Say goodbye to ice feet - with this heatable, waist-high additional bag that fits into every sleeping bag!

Tipps & Tricks

Grüezi bag erklärt

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