Compostable sleeping bag featured by 'outdoor' magazine!

Magazin-Outdoor-Cover-Aug 2019-Biopod DownWool Ice CompostAble

In its August 2019 issue, the specialist magazine 'outdoor' presented the sustainable sleeping bag 'Biopod DownWool Ice CompostAble' from Grüezi bag .

Read more about the innovative and natural 'sleep dream partner' in the following article for download:

Insert-Magazine-Outdoor-Fair-Guide-2019-Biopod DownWool Ice CompostAble

Insert-Magazine-Outdoor-Show Guide 2019-Biopod DownWool Ice CompostAble 2019 This sleeping bag is suitable for use on cold winter nights - convince yourself of this unique, excellent sleeping climate!

Tipps & Tricks

Grüezi bag erklärt

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