Grüezi bag winner 2020 - 'PR Journal' reports!

PR Journal-Cover-02 Juni 2020

Via video conference, the
☆ ☆ ☆ Brand Award Winner 2020 ☆ ☆ ☆

The jury awarded the special jury prize to Grüezi bag , which was nominated in the category 'Best Sustainability Strategy'. The magazine ' PR Journal ' published a report on June 2nd, 2020.

The Bavarian company Grüezi bag particularly impressed with the model

' Biopod DownWool Ice CompostAble' .

Learn more about this at the following link:

PR Journal-Lese Tipp-Marken Award 2020-Winner-via video conference-Grüezi bag

PR Journal Brands Award 2020 article 12062020

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