Grüezi bag receives a special prize - 'SAZsport' reports!

SAZsport-Cover-Sonderpreis Marken Award 2020-Juni 2020

The Bavarian brand Grüezi bag receives a special award at the Brand Award 2020 for special achievements. The German Marketing Association (DMV), together with the marketing magazine "Absatzwirtschaft", awarded the entrepreneur Markus Wiesböck, who started with his sleeping bags in the category "Best Sustainability Strategy".

The trade journal 'SAZsport' published an interesting article in the newsletter of June 2nd, 2020.

Read the report on this under the following link:

SAZsport newsletter Gruezi bag receives special prize brand award 2020

SAZsport newsletter Gruezi bag receives special prize brand award 2020 from June 2020

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