Fascinating trade fair innovations presented by the 'Outdoorseiten.net' forum!

Outdoorseiten-net-forum-April 2018-Teil 2-Gruezi bag Schlafsaecke

At the outdoor trade fair 2018 in Friedrichshafen, the user 'derray' from the online forum 'Outdoorseiten.net' discovered, among other things, two outstanding innovations from Grüezi bag .

For the full report on sleeping bags at the show, follow the link below:

Outdoorseiten-net-forum-2018-All new products-Part 2-Gruezi bag-Schlafsaecke

Here is the post from the forum about the models:

1. Grüezi bag - 'Biopod DownWool Nature':

2. Grüezi bag sleeping bag - ' Biopod DownWool Extreme Light':

Thank you very much for the great presentation of our trade fair highlights in the forum www.outdoorseiten.net !

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Grüezi bag erklärt

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