Trade magazine 'outdoor' tested sleeping bags - dream partner discovered!

Magazin outdoor-Cover-Ausgabe Okt-2019

Enjoy restful sleep in the right sleeping bag! The magazine 'outdoor' tested 15 down and synthetic fiber models and reported on them in their October 2019 issue. The models 175 / 185 / 200 from Grüezi bag 's ' Biopod DownWool Subzero ' range were also scrutinized.

Read the article from page 142 of the magazine 'outdoor' here:

Magazine Outdoor Issue Oct 2019 Article Page 142 Biopod DownWool Subzero

Start the day powerfully with the 'Biopod DownWool Subzero 185' from Grüezi bag ' - an excellent companion for your next autumn tour!

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