'Bergsteiger' magazine discovered the highlight of the Grüezi bag at the 2018 outdoor fair!

gruezi-bag-Magagzin-Bergsteiger-Highlight-Outdoormesse 2018

The 'Bergsteiger-Magazin' discovered the sleeping bag model Biopod DownWool Nature by Grüezi bag while searching for new trends during a tour of the outdoor fair Friedrichshafen 2018 - a jewel from Bavaria!

Read more about the high-quality sleeping bag made from 100% natural materials.

Here is the Twitter post from : BERGSTEIGER Magazin @bergsteiger_de

For everyone who loves nature - preferably in the Grüezi bag model Biopod DownWool Nature !

Tipps & Tricks

Grüezi bag erklärt

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