The night companion for motorcyclists - reportage magazine 'Motorrad Abenteuer' informed!

Magazin-Motorrad Abenteuer-Cover-Ausgabe-Sept-Okt-2019-Biopod DownWool Ice Compostable

Motorcycling is the intensive experience of moving dynamics, wind, sound, lean angles and .... the right equipment! Discover the sustainable sleeping bag 'Biopod DownWool Ice CompostAble' from Grüezi bag for your next motorcycle tour. In its September/October 2019 issue, the magazine 'Motorrad Abenteuer' presents the ideal sleeping companion that makes every motorcyclist's heart beat faster.

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Reportage Magazine Motorcycle Adventure Issue Sept-Oct 2019-Page 9-Biopod Down Wool Ice CompostAble

Wake up fit! The sleeping bag for environmentally conscious people - 'Biopod DownWool Ice CompostAble' from Grüezi bag.

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