The magazine 'Herzstück' has discovered the wool miracle!

Magazin Herzstueck-Ausgabe Nr2-2019-WellhealthBlanket Wool Deluxe

There used to be only blankets or sleeping bags - the ' WellhealthBlanket Wool Deluxe ' from Grüezi bag is one for everything! The magazine 'Herzstück' was won over by the light blanket filled with alpine wool, which can also be converted into a sleeping bag.

In your issue No. 2/2019 you report on the woolen blanket with the berry-colored rose print, here you can download the article as a .pdf file:

Magazine-Herzstueck-Issue Nr2-2019-WellhealthBlanket Wool Deluxe-Gruezi bag

By the way, rain is also nice when you snuggle up in the ' WellhealthBlanket Wool Deluxe ' from Grüezi bag !

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Grüezi bag erklärt

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