At a glance: The latest sleeping bag innovations - 'Outdoor Market' informed!

Magazin Outdoormarkt-Cover-Juni 2019-Innovationen Schlafsaecke Outdoor by ISPO

The sleeping bag highlights from Grüezi bag were presented at OutDoor by ISPO 2019. The trade magazine 'outdoormarkt' shows the latest models. Here the .pdf file for download:

Magazin-Outdoormarkt-The latest innovations June 2019 edition

The right thing for every requirement or the corresponding tour - here is more about the feel-good sleeping bags presented at ISPO:

Tipps & Tricks

Grüezi bag erklärt

Hacks, Hintergrundinfos, Ratgeber und Reparaturanleitungen uvm. findet ihr auch auf unserem Youtube-Kanal!

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